
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Verb Lists Links
   An alphabetical list of irregular English verbs with the base, simple past, and past participle forms
    Common English Irregular Verbs list
    Alphabetical with the base, past simple, past participle, third person singular (present), and present participle (gerund)
      Most Common 50 Irregular Verbs
     An alphabetical list of common English irregular verbs


Oxford Dictionaries
   This is a great online dictionary that has sound buttons so you can hear a person saying the word.

Monday, November 16, 2015

ESL Teacher Resource Links List

Here are a few links to websites I've found to be helpful in teaching ESL--printable worksheets, lists, and such.

Verb Tense Worksheets on
    --This is a fabulous, generous website with lots of printable worksheets. Materials are copyrighted and intended "to be used by teachers in school or at home."

Newcomer Activities at
   --This is a great resource for all kinds of things from lesson plans to research.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Phonics and Spelling Links

The lists below are free to view, but to be able to use all of the other features, like listening to words and playing some practice games, there is a cost. For a single user the cost is $45 for one year. 

ABC Fast Phonics
  • Click and listen to a woman read the text in a slow, clear voice. (Note: Listening feature does not work on my iPhone.)
  • From names of letters to their sounds within words.
  • Main headings are: Sounds and Letters, Words, Consonants and Vowels, Blends, and Common Words. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reading Vowels

I found this on, a fantastic website with lots of ESL resources. It's a simple little video, three minutes long, showing and singing about vowel diphthongs and digraphs.

Phonics 3: Diphthongs and Digraphs Video